The Missions: San Francisco and San José

Unless the mission is oriented by charity, that is, unless it springs from a profound act of divine love, it risks being reduced to mere philanthropic and social activity...Consequently, being missionaries means loving God with all one's heart, even to the point, if necessary, of dying for him. - Pope Benedict XVI

5 straight days of rain in the evenings.

it's time to get planting.

okay, time for a post-Triduum update:

i hope you all have followed the proceedings on maria's blog.

i spoke with a few people today and all agree that this was the finest Triduum in recent memory. we had great weather, great participation, and there was a sense (at least in part) that the Triduum is all about God.

the town has calmed down and the visitors have all departed, leaving us with a serenity that can only be found during the Easter Octave in a small town.

now, if the rain would just start falling...

for some solid reporting of the week's events, including lots of pictures, please head over to maria's blog. she's done a fine job of summing things up so far.

okay, it's Holy Saturday and i just have to say that yesterday, Good Friday, was the quietest on record. so maybe those 7 weeks preaching about Christ's Death and the importance of keeping a solemn Good Friday actually convinced a few people.

so we're driving to Mass today and maría, not to be confused with the other maría (from front royal, who was in the truck as well), flagged us down and we stopped to see what she wanted. since the whole town is aware of the unfortunate demise of bernabé, and she knew of our mutual devotion, she felt compelled to offer us this great looking beast (which we have named sixto):

the king is dead.

bernabe had another accident on sat morning and died this morning sometime between 5:15 (when i saw him alive) and 6:30 (when fr murphy found him dead).

it stinks.

it's rare that there is a first when discussing the history of the church, but we might just have accomplished it here in banica this morning:

5 american priests concelebrated Mass with me this morning and we used the second Eucharistic Prayer in latin. now, i know taken individually, i.e. 6 total priests, 2nd Eucharistic Prayer, and latin are not anything new, but the combination is almost oxymoronic, so there you have that.

unfortunately, they all had to leave this morning after a nice week long visit with two different groups.

otherwise all is well. it rained again and is a mild 91.2 today.

to those of you wondering about the status of the marymount and charlottesville groups:

most of them left their homes friday morning around 5:00 am and they arrived in banica saturday night at 10:00 pm. that's the worst travel foul-up i've seen in my almost 5 years.

thankfully, all are well and motivated to get to work tomorrow.


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