The Missions: San Francisco and San José

Unless the mission is oriented by charity, that is, unless it springs from a profound act of divine love, it risks being reduced to mere philanthropic and social activity...Consequently, being missionaries means loving God with all one's heart, even to the point, if necessary, of dying for him. - Pope Benedict XVI

so there i was saturday afternoon sitting at my desk, enjoying a little baseball and seeing the domincans pedro martinez and manny ramirez disgrace the entire island with their behavior when out of nowhere this old american priest taps on my screen door and enters. i stand up and offer my hand and he introduces himself as padre ramon. let me tell you, padre ramon is a legend, a veritable oddyseus, a baptizer of thousands, a golden-tongued master, a flagleresque road maker, in short, the king of the frontier. he was the first priest in the area in over 100 years, arriving in 1963 and staying for 10 years. he re-opened the church, baptised people, married people. overall an amazing man.

he then announced that he would stay here until monday...enough said.


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