The Missions: San Francisco and San José

Unless the mission is oriented by charity, that is, unless it springs from a profound act of divine love, it risks being reduced to mere philanthropic and social activity...Consequently, being missionaries means loving God with all one's heart, even to the point, if necessary, of dying for him. - Pope Benedict XVI

sorry for the long delay, things have been busy. a little bad news: the puppy got hit by a truck and is no longer showering us with his joy.

marymount university is down working on a chapel. fr jack peterson accompanies them and so far they seem to be having a great time. they start work today so we'll see how well they hold up.

lent sure is busy down here, as it is everywhere else. in addition to the extra Masses and confessions we have different groups of visitors until april 5th.

i'll try and snap some photos this week to brighten up the page a bit, it's a little grim without them...


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