weather report:
wind: 50kts and gusty from the southwest
precipitation: rain horizontal with rapid thunder and lightening strikes now changing to hail
pressure: 983.2 millibars
visibility: 30 feet
state of being: giddy
resolution: purchase a high quality weather station and mount it on the roof for more accurate reporting of current conditions.
commentary: fr posey said this was just like when hurricane georges came barreling through, and only the second time he had ever seen hail in 8 years. quite a bit of meteorological joy...
wind: 50kts and gusty from the southwest
precipitation: rain horizontal with rapid thunder and lightening strikes now changing to hail
pressure: 983.2 millibars
visibility: 30 feet
state of being: giddy
resolution: purchase a high quality weather station and mount it on the roof for more accurate reporting of current conditions.
commentary: fr posey said this was just like when hurricane georges came barreling through, and only the second time he had ever seen hail in 8 years. quite a bit of meteorological joy...