okay people, i'm back to blogging, the two-week sabbatical is over and i find myself highly motivated to blog out - heck, maybe i'll assign myself the penance of blogging every day during Lent...
i finally feel compelled to ask the question: why the disparate amount of handicapped and crippled people?? i mean, you can walk in the states for a week and not see anyone, but here they abound. perhaps america hides them? perhaps america cures them? who knows, but it struck me as odd the other day and i was just wondering aloud (well, textually anyway) about it.
i finally feel compelled to ask the question: why the disparate amount of handicapped and crippled people?? i mean, you can walk in the states for a week and not see anyone, but here they abound. perhaps america hides them? perhaps america cures them? who knows, but it struck me as odd the other day and i was just wondering aloud (well, textually anyway) about it.