The Missions: San Francisco and San José

Unless the mission is oriented by charity, that is, unless it springs from a profound act of divine love, it risks being reduced to mere philanthropic and social activity...Consequently, being missionaries means loving God with all one's heart, even to the point, if necessary, of dying for him. - Pope Benedict XVI

update time, things are in full swing here at the mission:

the school enrollment is now at 158 and climbing, an all-time high. the local grade school is under construction and none seems to know when it will be finished. looks like we might just fill up this year.

we have a workshop for all our catechists today. we're sending out the fleet this morning to pick up and deliver the 50+ catechists we have scattered throughout the parish. we purchased 1000 small catechisms (baltimore catechism style) and hope to have one in every house by december with accompanying classes.

our volunteer maria has embarked on a pilot program that may become the most effective program we have - we've set her up to teach religion in two public schools in the campos. she goes to each school twice a week and gets to 4 grades twice a week in each place. therefore, the kids will be getting two religion classes per week and from someone who actually believes. it will be very interesting to see the results over the next year, i'll keep you posted.

preparations for the feast of St. Francis are underway, the novena starts on 24 sept.

i'll dig up the camera this week and try and take a picture of two of the goings-on.


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